Ashok Nagar – 11th Avenue Block

9 07 2007

Now, picture this… Buses on Jawaharlal Nehru Road reaches 11th Ave. and takes a right turn. Most of the time the vehicles from JN road does not follow the traffic signals. Result the traffic in otherwise wide road is blocked completely.

The buses takes a right turn and stops immediately, even if it is at the center of the road. Resulting in the brawls as you see in these pictures. the last pictures shows that the signal is on for those who need to continue on 11th avenue and for those who wants to join the Nagathamman Koil road. But, all those vehicles are stuck there because of the traffic block.
The vehicles plying in the JN road near BSNL in KK nagar also conveniently forget to follow the traffic rules.

The green bus is parked almost in the center of the road.

See another bus (white) squeeze into the space on the left side of the bus.

The red bus tries to squeeze through, but bumps onto the green bus. The red bus driver alights and walks to the green bus. The green bus driver is trying to estimate the damage done.

Both start argueing on who is right. While, a few other buses try to move in with their routine by squeezing through the left side of the green bus. The curious passengars of the green bus are popping out their heads to see what has happened. And there is this smart guy on a bike with his girlfriend or whoever squeezing through the gap available on the right side of the red bus.

While the arguement continues, more people join the fight and the traffic goes green. And there you have all vehicles trying to squeeze through whatever space is available between these jammed vehicles. The traffic is stalled. And the cops are no where to be seen till now. Chaos Rulez!